so so so much on my mind right now, it's insane. uni, friends, feelings, emotion, blah blah blaaahhh. right now i want to be on an island, with a constant flow of gin and tonic passing through my body and unlimited sun to soak up. i think we underestimate how much each of us knows, people know things, yet its hard to find people who understand my thoughts. i don't know where i got it from but the brain in my head is crazy, always thinking about what if rather than now, rather than concentrating on what i have, it's concentrating on what i could've had if i had of done this or that differently, if i had've chosen my path differently. regret is a big thing to live with. why regret? i guess just live for now and hope that through the bad decisions i've made in the past i can learn to make better ones in the future....
translation: bitch bitch bitch, moan moan moan.