Monday, May 31, 2010

the week that has been but still hasn't come.

woke up with no feeling in my body whatsoever, wellington is getting really friggen cold.
also playing on my mind was the knowledge that my tutor was planning on showing the film 'Helvetica' today in design theory, i hate helvetica, it's just way too boring. buuut we watched it, and i loved it because it featured some pretty wonderful designers who were also opposed to the extent in which helvetica is being used in advertising and sign writing these days. so that made me happy.
i then went to work, monday isn't usually busy but good grief we were busy, but that's ok cause i had ravioli for dinner :]

This Morning.
woke up with a bit more bodily function thanks to my wonderful FREE heater.
now in class procrastinating a job bag due in two days, and excited for my new job bag which is corporate i.d YAY.

BEST.DAY.EVEEER! I get my new boots today from the army store, i have been paying them off and the day has finally arrived to pay the last $10! they are magical. will post picture a.s.a.p.

nothing special going on here, uni, eat etc...

an even better day because.... RORY IS COMING! yay i havent seen this boy properly since i left akl to live here and hes coming! so im gonna take him to mighty mighty, then the mighty mighty markets on saturday and shopping and coffee, and all round happy times. i'm so friggen excited.

see above.


that is all.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


the website won't let me steal the images :[ but the lookbook mens collection is wonderful dipped in happiness. and the brown boots. wow. just wow.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

yet another post.

bad resolution but this is a job bag i have just finished in class. had to make a black and white ad for an existing company. i chose cheap monday jeans to appear in 1am magazine.

now i really wanna be a dinosaur ^_^

this link is from a blog i follow


she's a lady, woah woah woah

foote asked me to do a shoot for him, i agreed as i thought it would be fun. and it was. my muscles hurt a bit and the makeup was a bitch to get off but it was worth it. this is one of the final outcomes. i like it alot.

that is all.

blanket man.

so, i was listening to the radio this morning on my way to class, wasn't really paying attention. eyes wandering all over the place as i skate round basin reserve. then on comes the news, and the first thing that snaps me out of my pointless daydream is hearing blanketman, guilty, cannabis and arrested all in one sentence. this intrigued me. the amount of times i have walked down courtenay place and seen blanket man with his rusty v can in one hand, a lighter in the other and that grin he has on his face that suggests he is nowhere near the world that surrounds me, is uncountable. and its only just now that police have done anything about it? he's a cool guy, never does anything to harm me, even though on the odd occasion i get "weirdo" or "dflkdfgurblegurble" yelled at me. have the police been leniant on him due to his "charming" tourist attraction or his wellington "cultural" status? i dont know, and i dont really care. i just find it really odd that its only now, after all these years, that he has actually been arrested and pleaded guilty on cannabis charges.

i just have one question, how does he charge his mp3? and don't say he's rich and lives in a mansion, he isn't and he doesn't.

that is all.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


so if anyone was wondering how the quit smoking is going? it's not, it never was. i failed after like half a day.

it wasn't that the patches didn't work, it was just when i smelt tobacco i felt the craving over powering the patches.

i was told i couldn't smoke while wearing them so i'd just take them off.

easy peasy.

that is all.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

keep talkin' that blah blah blah.

yes i took this from another blog because it seemed fun. this is my face not caring -----> o_o

3 names I go by… 3 ways to rob a bank
1. run in shouting "shut the fuck up and get down on the ground ma' fuckers"
2. point a gun at the teller
3. ask politley, they'll probably think your joking or mentally retarded but didn't your parents ever teach you manners?

3 jobs I have had… 3 nasty habits I had as a child
1. sucking my fingers. not my thumb my middle finger and ring finger.
2. eating playdo
3. eating ants. they taste magnetic.

3 places I have lived… 3 words that I feel like a dick when I use
1. moist.
2. simple.
3. g-unit (not technically a word but once again this is my face not caring ----> o_o)

3 favorite drinks… 3 types of alcohol I only drink as a last resort
1. scrumpys.
2. vodka.
3. beer balls from the mill.
these aren't really last resorts. i'm a student. i'll drink anything.

3 TV shows I watch… 3 types of porn which confuse me
i honestly can't answer this, simply because i don't watch porn.
yes i HAVE but it didn't confuse me. it's pretty straight forward.

3 places I have been… 3 lies I like to tell when I'm drunk
1. "i will be able to wake up in time for uni"
2. "i'm miley cyrus' girlfriend"
3. "you are the coolest person ever!" (said to stranger)

3 places I would like to visit… 3 canoe-related pieces of advice
1. Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who own a canoe.
2. Without a canoe, wisdom bears no fruit.
3. No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious. canoe.

3 fave retro TV shows… 3 ways to leave your lover
1. politley.
2. sensibly.
3. quickly.

3 fave dishes… Actually this question is fine.
1. glass.
2. bowl.
3. shot glass.

3 things I'm looking forward to… 3 things I can't be mature about
1. lubricates and penetrates. on the crc car oil advert.
2. couples.
3. when i'm pissed off. i won't be mature, i will just make up stupid shit in my head about people to make myself feel better. its fun. try it.

that is all.
for now... bum bum bum
hah bum

no really that is all. louise do your work.

wa wa wee wa.

want more? go to:

loves it.

that is all.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

20 years.

so, 20 years ago to this day i was born.
20 bloody years, i know its not old, but god does it sound like such a longtime.
bring on the twenties!

that is all.